Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Day at The Races

With the Kentucky Derby only a week away I have been getting so excited about my outfit for the festivities.  For you South Austinites, you should enjoy the fancy fun next weekend at The Highball on S Lamar.  I will be in Houston for the weekend rockin this hat below (and lovin the little derby nod with my horseshoe necklace).  Can't wait!

Big thanks to Sara Rose for the hair and makeup.  I couldn't be fabulous without you! xoxox

Hat and Shoes Bakers, vintage clutch, and thrifted $6 XXI dress!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Couture Sale Update!

I am so happy to inform you that we sold the B&W dress from our shoot within one hour of posting it!!  Only one dress left so drop me a line if you're interested.  This response is exactly what we were hoping for and plan to have more items for sale next week.  Happy Friday everyone!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Couture Sale!

A wonderful friend of mine acquired two handmade dresses from the Rare Trends couture line based here in Austin.  The two dresses featured below have only been worn in this shoot and come with the original tags and care instructions.  If interested in either piece, or any styling services from those involved with the shoot, please feel free to drop me a line at

A big thank you to Sara Rose for the hair and makeup... without her creative genius we couldn't have taken this shoot in the direction I had hoped for.  You are amazing my dear!

East Austin Exploits 
Model/Styling Allison June
Hair/Makeup Sara Rose
Rare Trends Couture

Price $105

Price $110

I had so much fun being part of this and we have another project already in the works.  So stay tuned!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Photo Shoot Success!

I just received the photos from the shoot I was part of this weekend, and I have to say I am beyond excited to share.  SO here's a little sneak peek for ya!  Just waiting on last minute editing and hope to share more tomorrow!


Hair & Makeup c/o Sara Rose, dress Rare Trends, Vintage boots from Feathers Boutique

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Round Up Ready!

This weekend was the fantastic Lone Star Round Up and I thoroughly enjoyed dressing for the festivities.

Calvin Klein dress, gifted belt from Trash and Garnish, and the shoes were a wonderful thrift find.

I love that my sweet pup, Marley, wanted to be part of our mini photo session.  A big thanks to Christine for the pics! 

Can't wait to share pics from the amazing photo shoot I was part of yesterday.  I've seen a few and I'm so excited to see the finished product.  The creative juices were flowing at that shoot and I've been so inspired since.  Here's to a wonderful Tuesday!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Picture Perfect Prada

I'm so excited about the Lone Star Roundup this weekend!  When the rods and rockabillies take to the streets in South Austin it is definitely a sight to see.  In an effort to get ready for the festivities I've been looking for inspiration online and I have to say the Prada S/S campaign is a perfect place to start.  I love the feminine details like the pleated skirts, eyelet lace, and soft fabrics all paired with such rough accents like the flame shoes or studded jacket, and even the chain on one of the handbags has a heavy duty feel.  A modern twist on retro style... Simply beautiful!

Images from Google Images

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Something new....

This weekend I am working a shoot with a makeup artist who just wrapped up a project for a new clothing line called Rare Trends.  She has promised me a few pieces that I can feature on my site... for sale!!  I'm super excited to try this out and see what new and exciting items I can share.  So stay tuned, goodies coming soon!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ice Queen

My beautiful friend, Malorie, doesn't need much to look fantastic.  This photo just makes me swoon so I had to share!  And I must admit I'm extremely envious that she is in a place that is cold enough for her to wear this amazing coat!