
To give you a little idea of what my site is about, below is how the posts are tagged.  In addition to offering my styling and event coordinating services, I thoroughly enjoy posting about things that inspire me.

Thoughts of June

These posts are exactly that, my thoughts.  Basically I'm embracing my self adoration through the narcissistic idea that you actually care about my opinion.  Cheers!

LifeStyles of the Budget Conscious but Never Basic

Hopefully you know that money doesn't buy style, so this is my way of documenting that.  Most of my closest friends and I are more concerned with personal expression as opposed to what label we're wearing.  Living in Austin we almost exclusively shop at thrift stores and I find this resourcefulness inspiring.  This is an outlet for me to pay homage to this type of creativity.

One Big Room full of Bad Bitches

I've never understood groups of people who all dress alike.  You know you've seen them.  A gaggle of girls all in the same stilettos, mini skirts, and highlighted hair to match.  Hell you may be one of them, but I am completely clueless as to how that could be appealing.  I love when I see a group of women out together and you can vividly see each one's personal style shining through.  I believe the women I am drawn to and have the most meaningful friendships with are the ones who are in almost complete contrast with my own style.  This is just a collection of my friends and other girls who share the same perspective.    

For the record...

All of the photographs throughout this site are my own unless otherwise cited.  The majority are taken with my Canon PowerShot S3 IS.  However if you see a photo of yours, or of you personally, that you wish to have removed please do not hesitate to ask.

© 2013 Thoughts of June

Creative Commons License
Thoughts of June by Allison June is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.