Styling Services

Do you want to add a little something to your look and don't know how?
Have you had a big life change and want your wardrobe to change as well?
Are you planning for a big event and have no idea what to wear?
Need new clothes, but get overwhelmed when shopping?

If so, then you and I may make a great team!

First, I'd like to say that I am not your typical 'Image Consultant', 'Stylist', or 'Personal Shopper'.  I've always considered myself more of an 'Aesthetics Expert' with a keen eye for personal packaging.  With that in mind it was very hard to create a list of services and prices.  Under the above titles the norm of services offered are as follows;
  • Color Analysis
  • Wardrobe Analysis / Closet Organization
  • Personal Shopping
  • Personal Style Assesment
  • Makeup/ Beauty Consultation
While I am educated and experienced in all of the above, it's very hard for someone who needs styling help to know what services they need when contacting a consultant for the first time.  Of course if you know what you want, more power to ya!  However with the learning curve in mind I decided to offer a flat fee of $60 an hour regardless of the service chosen.  

Of course this will come AFTER our FREE consultation!  Again, I know most stylists only offer 15 minutes for free... this is absolutely ridiculous.  I LOVE to talk clothes, aesthetics, personal style, etc so why would I limit you to 15 minutes?  Now don't get crazy, I'm not going to spend all day with you, but I would love to sit and chat, and figure out what the best option for you would be.  

Current clients also have access to my Help! Line.  Whenever you are in a dressing room, getting ready for a party, a date, or a night out and you just can't figure out what to wear, give me a ring!  For years my girlfriends have used me as their 'go to' with these last minute decisions and I have to admit I love doing it. 

So what makes me different than a typical stylist?
  • As my girlfriends put it, I live a 'high fashion lifestyle on a thrift store budget'.  I want everyone to know that money doesn't buy style and personal packaging is more about how you feel as opposed to what label you're wearing.  
  • I don't charge a minimum!  My clients range from struggling students, to successful business women and I understand not everyone can lock into the 2hr min that most consultants charge.  If you want just 30 minutes of my time to meet you in a dressing room, I'm there!
  • I only work with individual clients.  I absolutely prefer one on one time as opposed to corporate workshops.  I feel that this type of relationship allows your true expression to come forth without hesitation or insecurity.  

So now you're in the know, and if you feel like we could make beautiful outfits together, drop me a line!

thoughtsofjune [at] hotmail [dot] com

or give me a ring at


© 2013 Thoughts of June