Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunday Funday

This past Sunday I spent the evening downtown, and had an absolute blast.  I set out to take as many pictures as possible, but as the night continued, so did the drinking.  Unfortunately capturing the aesthetic of our 6th street adventure was a bit... umm, blurry, but looking back through the photos I was happy with the results.  I've been blessed to travel extensively these past few years and I have to say the 'Southern Hospitality' is something I love most about living in Texas.  It is a true graciousness that I haven't experienced anywhere else.  Seriously.  Nothing even close.  Most of the people I stopped caught my eye in one way or another, but the interaction with each was always positive and inviting.  So I want to thank all of these smiling faces for allowing me to share in their good time.  Cheers!

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