Wednesday, November 23, 2011

One for the dogs...

As I was reading the December issue of Vanity Fair  I came across this photo of Scarlett Johansson.

Image via Hungeree

It caught my eye because of the dog.  I absolutely love when dogs are used in fashion photography.  It's such a throwback to the historical notion that owning a purebred dog symbolized wealth and privilege... which is obviously a huge part of the high fashion society.  And with that, I began endlessly searching the internet for more dog-meets-fashion images that are just as eye catching.

Louis Vitton ad via FootLuxe

Katy Perry for Vanity Fair via Franzi's Style Nomad Blog

Jennifer Lopez for Vogue via Blouge

I think the real reason I noticed this today must have something to do with the trend among personal style bloggers to do the same.  They may not be as glamorous as the magazine photo shoots, but their picture perfect pooches are adorable none the less.

Image via Keiko Lynn

Image via The Glamouri

This post really has no other rhyme or reason than to share my affinity for our furry friends.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone and have a great holiday weekend!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

It Girls

The October issue of Nylon was the 'It Girl' issue and the overall theme has really stuck with me.  Peaches Geldof wrote an article about what makes an It Girl entitled 'Just Do It' and went so far as to outline the steps to become one.  She dropped names of legendary It Girls like Clara Bow, Jane Birkin, Jean Shrimpton, etc, and throughout the issue other names like Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, and even Beyoncé were listed.  I have a hard time believing that every girl out there could follow Peaches' guidelines and, poof!, become an It Girl.  On the flip side, I will admit that the article had an empowering vibe in which any girl can be whoever she wants to be.  Regardless, I feel like 'It Girl' is a very present/in the moment term, while Icon is much more appropriate for the names listed above.  Also, I feel a big thing was overlooked in this issue, and that is the relationship between a photographer, director, designer, etc, and their muse.  This relationship is so important because without an outlet, the majority of muses would never be seen.  A lot of It Girls who went on to become Icons, particularly in the fashion world, were discovered without ever following any steps to become an 'It Girl'.  Kate Moss was spotted at JFK on vacation with her family.  Jerry Hall was discovered while she was sunbathing in Saint Tropez.  Naomi Campbell was found at a shopping mall hanging out with her friends.  Cindy Crawford was first photographed by a local news reporter while shucking corn on a farm, and the list goes on and on.  I think It Girl is a term better used for fleeting, momentary status, and while being an It Girl is a good thing, it takes a truly talented women to take it beyond that and become an Icon.  With that said, below are a few of my Icons, who are yours?

Angelica Huston 1972 for Vogue Italia via The New York Times

Brigitte Bardot in 1970 via Fashion Gossip

Edie Sedgwick in 1965 via Film Noir Photos

 Jerry Hall photographed by Richard Avedon via SugarLips


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Birthday Blessings!

I can't believe it's been over a week since my last post!  Time definitely flies when you're having a blast!  My birthday week was filled with so much love and fun that I'm still beaming over it all.  I am so humbled by the graciousness of my friends and family and I wanted to take a moment to thank them for everything!

One of my favorite kats on the planet came into town a week early to celebrate with me and take me to Fun Fun Fun Fest.  This is an awesome indie music festival here in Austin that just celebrated it's 4th year.  He treated me to a full day of fun, food, music, and dancing, and I just wish my camera hadn't been broken during it all.  Thank you dear!

A few days later one of my best girlfriends completely surprised me with a pair of amazing Steve Madden wedge boots; 'Miles' in Mocha.  Literally surprised me as we were walking into DSW and I could barely contain myself.  I was so overwhelmed with gratitude I almost cried at the register!  Unfortunately I can't find a good link for these since they are already sold out on the DSW website, but here is a horrible cell phone pic I took as soon as I got home.  Thank you love!

On my actual birthday my coworkers surprised me with not one, but TWO of my favorite pies from The Pie Society.  I am completely obsessed with their 'Austin Creme Pie'  and I'm pretty sure our entire staff is just as hooked now.  Thank you guys!

And just when I thought my gifts couldn't get any better, an incredibly sweet friend of mine gave me something I have truly needed for weeks.  A new digital camera!  I clumsily dropped my Cannon a few weeks back and have not been able to afford a new lens.  I'm so excited that I will now be able to get back out in the city and document all the things that bring me so much joy.  Here are my puppies anxiously waiting for me to open my present.  Thank you!

And lastly I want to thank all of the amazing friends and family who called, text, emailed, facebook messaged, and/or came to my birthday bonanza that took downtown Austin by storm.  It is so wonderful to be reminded how lucky I am to have such loving, inspiring, and gracious people in my life.  I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.  Love you all! <3   

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Few of my Favorite Things

With my birthday only a week away I thought I'd share my wish list which is just a little collection of the things that make me happy.  A few I may actually obtain in the coming week, but some are way beyond my price range... so if there are any loving and extremely generous people out there, take note!

1. Marlo Adelle hair fascinator.  This talented young lady is based here in Austin and I already own a few of her pieces I bought at Parts & Labour on S Congress.  What I love most about them (aside from their stunning aesthetic appeal) is the quality.  I have had one for over a year and worn it countless times to clubs, parties, etc, and it still looks like it did the day I bought it.  The newest one I would like to add to my collection comes from her 'Cities of Love Plumettes' collection.  Check out her website HERE.

2. Fox Stole.  I've been enamored with fur since I was in 4th grade when my best friend received a white rabbit coat for her 9th birthday.  She would indulge my obsession by letting me wear it whenever I wanted, and thus began my love affair with fur.  I have a soft spot for white fox stoles, because it screams vintage glamour; like this one worn by Marilyn herself.  How can you not love this?!

Image from CNBC

3. Dior perfume; Miss Dior Cherie.  I bought this last year in Paris and fell in love instantly.  Since I bought it during the time I was living there, whenever I wear it I am immediately transported back to that wonderful period of my life.  That nostalgia makes me too happy to even express.

Image from StyleFrizz

4. The Pie Society's Austin Creme Pie.  I tried this for the first time about a month ago at a CultureMap party here in town and I cannot express how amazing this pie is.  The local twist on a traditional favorite will have you licking your plate once you've finished.  I've since ordered an assortment of their amazing treats and am thoroughly addicted.  The wonderful twosome behind these fantastic confections are also based here in Austin and if you're within the city, delivery is free!  Check out their website HERE. 

5. Yves Saint Laurent Large 'Roady' in Grey Polished Leather.  I adore the simplicity of this hobo style bag and the large size would more than hold my daily essentials.  I love clean, classic styles and I think this bag totally exemplifies that.  Also, the grey chosen is very prominent this fall and definitely one of my new favorite shades for accessories. 

Of course above all my for my birthday I want to spend it with my loved ones.  I already know this wish will come true thanks to my fantastic friends coming from all over to spend my weekend with me.  Can't wait to celebrate with everyone!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

For the love of Vanity

One piece of furniture I've always romanticized is the vanity table.  As much as I loved them growing up, I always thought it was the epitome of vanity (hence it's name) for a woman and never envisioned owning one.  WELL... I'm redoing my bedroom in the coming months and one thing very high on my list is a vintage vanity table to lovingly showcase my beauty essentials.  In all honesty I loathe doing my hair and makeup in the bathroom after I've showered, so why this never clicked before, I'm not quite sure.  Although I never considered this beautiful item a necessity in years past, I'm sure once I get one I won't be able to imagine a life without it.  I may just have to get a ridiculously lush robe as well like these ladies to give it the full effect!

Classic photographs of Liz Taylor, Jean Harlow, Marlene Dietrich, and Janet Gaynor via Google Images.