Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Birthday Blessings!

I can't believe it's been over a week since my last post!  Time definitely flies when you're having a blast!  My birthday week was filled with so much love and fun that I'm still beaming over it all.  I am so humbled by the graciousness of my friends and family and I wanted to take a moment to thank them for everything!

One of my favorite kats on the planet came into town a week early to celebrate with me and take me to Fun Fun Fun Fest.  This is an awesome indie music festival here in Austin that just celebrated it's 4th year.  He treated me to a full day of fun, food, music, and dancing, and I just wish my camera hadn't been broken during it all.  Thank you dear!

A few days later one of my best girlfriends completely surprised me with a pair of amazing Steve Madden wedge boots; 'Miles' in Mocha.  Literally surprised me as we were walking into DSW and I could barely contain myself.  I was so overwhelmed with gratitude I almost cried at the register!  Unfortunately I can't find a good link for these since they are already sold out on the DSW website, but here is a horrible cell phone pic I took as soon as I got home.  Thank you love!

On my actual birthday my coworkers surprised me with not one, but TWO of my favorite pies from The Pie Society.  I am completely obsessed with their 'Austin Creme Pie'  and I'm pretty sure our entire staff is just as hooked now.  Thank you guys!

And just when I thought my gifts couldn't get any better, an incredibly sweet friend of mine gave me something I have truly needed for weeks.  A new digital camera!  I clumsily dropped my Cannon a few weeks back and have not been able to afford a new lens.  I'm so excited that I will now be able to get back out in the city and document all the things that bring me so much joy.  Here are my puppies anxiously waiting for me to open my present.  Thank you!

And lastly I want to thank all of the amazing friends and family who called, text, emailed, facebook messaged, and/or came to my birthday bonanza that took downtown Austin by storm.  It is so wonderful to be reminded how lucky I am to have such loving, inspiring, and gracious people in my life.  I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.  Love you all! <3