Friday, December 16, 2011

C'est la Vie

To my (tiny) audience I would like to apologize for my delay in posting!  Life has been overwhelming, albeit wonderful, for the past month and time simply slipped away from me.  For those who don't know me personally, I've spent the past year or so planning to move away from my wonderful home in Austin and pursue yet another degree in Fashion Merchandising.  However, as the saying goes, 'Man makes plans, and God laughs'.  Luckily, for no other reason than my sanity, I have recently acquired the ability to happily go with the flow.  So with that said, here I go again wanting to change things up!  I have an overseas trip in the works (Paris je t'aime!), a possible business venture that I am beyond excited about (deets coming soon!),  and lastly a new place to call home here in Austin (I'm on a decorating frenzy!).  Thank you for everyone's continued support and I can't wait to share the next couple months with you as my new inspirations take shape!


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